Thursday, March 10, 2011

Favorite Parts and Packing

Oliver had a great day at preschool.  He came home and rested.  He did an awesome job with our bath time and reading routine.  He really loves listening to the Little House stories.

Oliver's favorite part in our chapter tonight was when Jack the dog was lying down lazily in the warm prairie with his tongue hanging out.  Oliver imitated Jack, it was cute.

Mommy's favorite part was when Laura talked about the stars at night.  Here is Mommy's favorite part:
"The large, bright stars hung down from the sky.  Lower and lower they came, quivering with music."
Mommy told Oliver about the shooting star she saw in the sky last night.  It kind of looked like it was dancing in the sky.  We talked about stars and how you can make wishes when you see a shooting star.  (Mommy made a wish, of course.)  Hopefully Oliver will see a shooting star one day, they are so beautiful.

Oliver is off with his Grandma in the morning to fly up and see his Daddy in Chico.  Safe travels and happy adventures little man.

Cutie in the bathtub 
Zipping up his suitcase
He was very good at closing it up!  Mommy
already misses him.

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