Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Donut Wednesay

Yay!  Donut Wednesday!  We had a nice, busy day.

We picked up the donuts on Tuesday night.

Oliver took over the camera:

Mommy took control of the camera again:


Oliver shared all the donuts this morning while
Mommy took a Y break and attended a work meeting.
Summer break is pretty much over for Mommy.
(There was one thing she didn't get to accomplish
this summer.  Maybe next summer.)

We went for a nice swim together:

Oliver is off with his Daddy now.  Mommy will see Oliver on Sunday at 5:00.  She misses him already.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


We had another great day!  We continued our Summer of Reading with our weekly trip to the library with Rachel and Waylon!  Mommy loves when she knocks on their door and she hears Rachel scream on the inside, "Meredith is here!  Meredith is here!  Yay!"  So cute!

Waiting to report.

Rachel earned her t-shirt!

She wrote her name on the dog.

Pretty impressive!

They made the craft.

They each made a camera.

Mommy had Rachel sit away from the boys.
Rachel could focus better.

Serious artist.

Cheese!  We took pictures of each other!

After the walked the line a little.

(Walking the line.)

Then we went swimming!

(Goodnight and sweet dreams.)

Monday, July 28, 2014


We got home early this morning, we didn't fall asleep until about 2:00 am!  Traveling is fun, but exhausting!  We had a nice day today!  We continued our Summer of Reading by visiting the library!

Starting our airport journey yesterday!
Thats Mommy's new suitcase for our Inspiration Room.
We love it!

He did very well on both flights!


This morning when Mommy got back from
her Y break, Oliver had just woken up!
Yay!  So, we took Claire for a walk!

We saw a creepy, neat van.  


Then we went to report at the library and
check out some reading material!   

He loved the tops they gave for the prize!

Its nice being home!


We got to see a lot of family at Fountain Park.  Family is nice.

Grammie and Grandpa.


Steve, Grammie, and Denny.
Best picture ever!!!

When Steve and Denny arrived...we got excited!


And a cute little oh my gosh I'm so excited dance!
Cutest picture ever!

Serious talk.

Cutie Cousins!

Reading an article about how to explain Fountain Park.

We checked out the hotel together.

Oliver telling stories!

More stories!  Wonder where he gets that from?



Our cousins loved Oliver!

These two stayed up really, really late
chatting.  Their soothing voices put 
Mommy and Oliver to bed.
