Saturday, February 16, 2013

Little Helper

Oliver was Mommy's little helper today!  He met her at the Y and then we were off for some fun and some errands!

Sunrise from our home this morning.

Shoe Shopping: 

Mommy needs new running shoes.
She started training for a full marathon!
Oliver decided he wanted to try on
some boot high heels.


He walked pretty well in them!

We always have the library in our plans!

Reading on the computer and Mommy's novel.

Oliver filled out a heart with his name and told the
librarian what his favorite part of coming to the
library is, he said, "The computer lab!"

He got a kiss for his heart.

He also started to play the Library Lover's Bingo.

We went to the garden.

He filled out his bingo card.

He wanted to say he was "10."  Silly kid!

Checking out our stuff!

Post Office:

He helped Mommy mail a letter!

Blood Bank:
He helped Mommy donate blood.  All the nurses
love him at the blood bank.  Mommy hasn't brought
him in a while.  They couldn't believe how much 
he has grown!

Nurse Judy and Oliver like to hang out and talk!
All the nurses are really nice there!

 Neighborhood Cafe:
We had an early dinner at a cafe in our neighborhood.

We had a "livingsocial" deal!

They have a breakfast challenge there!
(Would you try the challenge?)

Oliver had breakfast.  Mommy had a big
cheeseburger and french fries.  Not sure why
she has had a craving for french fries lately,
but she sure loves a good cheeseburger occasionally!

Mommy's sweet cafe date!

We came home for a little bit before Mommy brought
Oliver back to Daddy's house.  Oliver was out talking
to our seven year old neighbor through the fence!

Mommy will see her little helper tomorrow at 5:00.  She is glad she has gotten to spend a lot of time with him this weekend, he has made her laugh a lot!

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