Sunday, May 1, 2016


We had a busy, productive, fun day.


Oliver found a hurt hummingbird this morning it at Grammie's.  Mommy called him Ornithologist Oliver.

Grammie summed up Oliver's experiences with the
outdoors: "Oliver is very in tune with nature."

He tried to set it down to let nature take its course.
The hummingbird did not want to be put down. 
Oliver offered it comfort in its last few minutes.
He is now planning on trying to figure out how to
preserve it.  It is in a shoebox in a freezer.


We stopped here today because we were at the
Post Office and we finally found the store.
We heard about it at the Earth Day Fair.

Oliver got a target for his bow and arrows.


We met Oliver's teacher Mrs. Olmstead in her classroom.  She is retiring this year and let Mommy go through a lot of her posters and books.  Mommy is still building her classroom supplies and is SO GRATEFUL for Mrs. Olmstead's generosity and thoughtfulness. 

Something neat happened in the classroom trash can.
Mommy was throwing something away and saw a bunch
of butterflies.  They were from cocoons in the net
we put in the blog the other day.  The class thought all the
butterflies were out and the rest was thrown away.  But,
not quite!  It was pretty neat!

Oliver helped Mrs. Olmstead release the rest of them.

Fly beauties! 

Toucan art that Mrs. Olmstead sprayed with hair spray.

Oliver was a great classroom helper.

Feeding the silkworms.

Mommy going through a treasure trove.

Grateful, grateful, grateful.  Mommy is so glad she
asked Mrs. Olmstead about her materials.  Mommy is
also grateful that Oliver has been so successful in
her class this year.

We felt like dancing tonight.  It felt so good.
(Mostly Track 1 and 2.)


P.S. Mommy got her assignment done. 

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