Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Busy at Pre-School

Oliver had a very fun day at school!  He got to go to a special presentation about the ocean.  He even made his own little ocean in a bottle.  Later at school he got to make ants on a log for snack and he was very excited about the seat changes and the moving of the furniture.  Oliver has a new afternoon teacher that he adores!  She has been adding a lot of fun activities and things to look forward to, Oliver loves it!  Mommy loves hearing him talk about it!

He was so busy and wound up after school that we had to work on making good choices at home.  Mommy thinks that he is so good at school--that is what his teachers tell her--that when he gets home he just kind of melts.  He threw his trash on the floor, made a mess with his macaroni and cheese, and whined a lot!  (We need to fill our coin jar fast....Mommy needs that chair to sit in.)  Hopefully Oliver starts to calm down a little bit in the evening, maybe turning 4 will help.....

Amanda and Zoe "dropped-in."  Zoe didn't bite anyone,
but Amanda tried to bite Mommy.  She is working on
using her words, she is making good progress.

Precious Zoe.

Amanda gave us Zoe's swing.  
(Mommy thinks swings are a good thing,
especially when they work fast.)
Thanks Amanda and Zoe!  We will get good use 
out of it when we have another newborn!
Oliver loves the swing he put his baby in the swing and
turned it on!  Mommy didn't get any cute pictures of her
Owl today, but she likes this one.

On our way home from preschool we stopped
at the donut shop to order Oliver's birthday cake.
Walking to our front door made Mommy think about
his cake colors....what colors do you think it will be?
(Mommy thinks she has already made it easy for you...it
shouldn't be too hard...)  But here are some more hints....
it is Oliver's golden birthday and he was born on the 4th of July! 
And don't mind the dirty handrail please...Mommy will clean it, eventually.  

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