Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Seven Facts About Our Hospital Visit Today

Watching the fun structure...
Playing in the hospital room
Waiting in another waiting room...
Charger Bolt and light blue cast. Could he be any cuter?
Eating his "healthy" lunch.

1. Oliver got his x-rays taken without Mommy's help! He is a fast learner.
2. He liked seeing all the charger bolts on the hallway floors. (Grammie taught him about those a long time ago--not Mommy!)
3. The doctor was impressed with how "smart" Oliver was...he also was excited to meet another Oliver. He just had a son he named Oliver, ten weeks ago. Mommy's Oliver was the first Oliver he had met!
4. Oliver could tell the x-ray technician, his full name (Oliver Owen McCain) and his birthday (4th of July)! Pretty good for a three year old!
5. He has a small break, he should only be in his cast for about 2 weeks. He picked light blue for his cast color.
6. Oliver could tell Mommy exactly what he wanted for lunch at the Hospital's McDonalds. He ate well too!
7. Oliver is a really strong boy who knows exactly what he wants and how to maneuver his way through lots of situations. (We had to go to lots of different "stations" at our visit to the hospital.) Mommy is proud of him.

*Oliver is off for his long stretch with his Daddy. Mommy will see him for "daycare" the next two days. Miss you babe!*

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