Monday, February 16, 2015


We went to Legoloand today!  It was Mommy and Claire's first visit!  Oliver showed us the ropes!

First we went to Wal-Mart to get 
a mini lego person.  Mommy read that
they had a trading you could do.
We weren't sure how much they'd
be at Legoland.  2 cents cheaper at Wal-Mart!


We thanked Paula and Maggie our neighbors
for giving us the tickets!  We will 
thank them again!


Miniland is pretty awesome!

Happy President's Day!  Love this picture!



Mommy wanted some private time with Elvis.
(Never happens.  Ever.)

Guess who!?

Keeping herself busy in line.  We only went on 3
rides.  Long waits and rides aren't like 
Disneyland.  It was more fun playing and
looking at things!

Watching Oliver on a ride she couldn't go on.

Panning for gold!

He got a lot!

Filling a bag with crystals and stones.
Oliver's souvenir.  He packed it!



We ate lunch for awhile and enjoyed ourselves.

Oliver was talking about Indiana and Indiana beach 
and when we go back.  Mommy still has all of 
our tickets from that rolling ball game we like.
We hope to go back this summer or next summer.

We also found Mommy's iron girl necklace in her purse.
Grammie, do you think you could unknot the Chain?!

Oliver was going to climb...

But they wouldn't let him because his
clothes were a little wet from the panning 
for gold.  Oh well.


Lego Movie Set:

Last Ride:

Walking around:

Sweet cousins.  Mommy pushed them
out of the park like this!  She got 
really tired on the drive home...

Headed to Claire's drop off spot:

We liked the american flag flowers!

They like racing to see Aunt Jess!

Oliver liked her desk!


Someone was inspired to pull out his legos!

(Goodnight and sweet dreams.)

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