Thursday, May 15, 2014


Mommy picked up Oliver today around 2:00 so his Daddy could take care of their house.  The fire was right behind their house.  

Mommy was gardening at 11:30ish when
she looked up and saw this!  She 
figured the fires she saw at 6:00 this morning
on her run to the Stone Brewery were 
spreading, which meant not good
for Oliver and his Daddy.  Here is a

Mommy kept working on her garden and kind of 
just waited for the call to go get her pumpkin
out of danger.

Gardening helps calm nerves.

Mommy got a call to please come pick up Oliver.
This is what happened to that blue sky.  
Heading on 9th avenue towards the 15.

Turning on Valley Parkway, lots of fire vehicles.

Top of hill by Oliver and his Daddy's house, their
house is the left of this fence.

Mommy raced down to road to get Oliver.
They were getting the roof wet and getting their
house ready in case the fire came their direction.

Oliver was thirsty and famished.  Mommy took
him to Major Market to get some of his favorites.
Weird, the Food Network was there filiming.
Mommy isn't sure who that chef is, Grammie?

We came home to watch the fire news and 
hope for the best.  The newscaster is standing 
near the trail Mommy ran on in the morning.  

Oliver was safe at Mommy's home- he
watched a movie, built a fort, and drew a
mural of a forest.  He was really sweet
and a little hyper about the fires.

Oliver went back to his Daddy's house around 6:00.
Mommy is a little on edge because the fires are still
close, the wind is just making it go in a little bit 
of a different direction.  Oliver was happy to be 
with his Daddy again though. 

Mommy was worried, but Oliver's Daddy said
he would sleep with "one eye open" while they camped
out at their house.  (Still doesn't make Mommy
feel very settled.) Mommy just texted 
them- 6:30 am- and they are okay.

Mommy will see Oliver today at noon for a together weekend that hopefully cools down.  

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