Friday, September 9, 2011


We had a fun evening!  All the power in San Diego County went out around 4:00 pm yesterday.  Mommy picked up Oliver at school and we came back home.  We played with a daycare baby and her teenage sister until their Mama could make it safely back home. 

Oliver still took a bath, ate some dinner, and helped Mommy with some things once our friends left.  We decided tonight would be a good night to eat our leftover red velvet cupcakes!  We had fun eating them in the dark!  We did have a flashlight to give us a little light!  Oliver loved using it around our home.  

Oliver fell asleep early and Mommy did too!  The power went back on around 3:00 am.  Oliver will be excited when he wakes up! 

The moon was pretty last night.  Aunt Jess texted Mommy
and said to beware of zombies.  Funny.
(Mommy wishes she saw a Zombie.)

Leading us back inside with the flashlight!

Cuteness with flashlight.

What our big window looked like with no power on.

Camera flash on.  The only lights we could see out 
in the big old city came from the hospital.

Our red velvet cupcakes and milk.  Drank some milk
before it all spoiled!

Silly Cupcake eater!  (Mommy thinks she needs to
have some red velvet cupcakes on hand for the next time
the power goes out.)  We can start a silly ritual!  Mommy will
just keep some in the freezer!

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