Sunday, January 16, 2011

Doll House and Routines

Today Oliver and Mommy hung around our home for a long time.  We love spending time together in our home.  It is nice and relaxing.  After a while though we went to visit Grammie and Grandpa.  Oliver stayed for a bit, while Mommy took a break at the Y.  This will be part of our routine now—it is nice having Grammie spend time with Oliver while Mommy has a little time to herself. 

We stopped by the library to return some books and of course get some more.  Oliver always goes to the Doll House that is displayed in the Children’s section.  He loves it!  Mommy likes looking at it too.  Afterwards we walked over to the coffee shop and got our favorites.

We spent a nice evening at home together.  We have been really working on establishing some good routines at home.  Oliver is getting better about eating at the kitchen table with Mommy, taking baths, and brushing his teeth.  Routines have always been a bit of struggle for us—for lots of different reasons, but Mommy is finally putting her foot down.  Oliver is getting it.  (Things are going to be different; Mommy likes to follow her intuition and she knows when something feels right and when it doesn't.)  It is fun seeing how Oliver adapts and grows with the routines we are working on.  Oliver is peacefully sleeping now.  

 Dove Library's Doll House.  Mommy loves
houses painted yellow.  They are so happy.
 American Flag and some birds.
 On the inside.
 Mommy likes the "study," that is what she likes to 
call "offices" it sounds more cozy.
 The Dining Room.
 The Family Room.
The Kitchen.

 The Entryway.  Love the Butterfly thing on the wall!
 The Children's Bedroom.

 Oliver choosing his drink, he always orders for himself
and usually for Mommy too.
At the grocery store.  He was holding Mommy's wallet and when
Mommy turned around he was trying to swipe our CVS card
through the slot.  Cutie pie.  He is always such a good helper!

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