Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hamster Escape

Oliver checks on his bird and Ham Ham every morning before we leave.  This morning, Mommy heard something she didn't really want to hear: 

"Ham Ham isn't in his cage!!!"  cried Oliver.

Great.  Mommy guesses she should have taken the cage back to PetSmart sooner, because she can't figure out how it is supposed to close properly.  Grandpa and Mommy were just talking about it last night!  So anyways, we had to go to school.  Mommy reassured Oliver that Ham Ham would be just fine.  Wherever that little rodent was hanging out.

We came home this afternoon and Mommy convinced Oliver that if we did his homework quietly, without any whining, we might hear or see Ham Ham.  Mommy was right!  Oliver spotted him in the Bernadette room!

Getting homework done.

Right before he saw Ham Ham in the
Bernadette room.

Oliver has good eyes, he saw a flash 
of something little racing around
the room!

It took us a while to get Ham Ham.  We 
had a plan.  We made sure he couldn't get 
in the garage or back into the laundry room.
He was trapped in the Bernadette room!
We ran around like crazy and got him!
Oliver and Ham Ham were both totally
revved up!

Just in case we didn't catch Ham Ham tonight 
Mommy and Oliver were ready to help Ham Ham get revved
 up in a different way.  We were going to leave him
a motorcycle.  Inspiration from listening to 
Beverly Cleary's really good book!

But we got that little Hamster!

He is back in his cage and Mommy
hopes to hear him turning in his
wheel for a couple of hours tonight.

(Round and round and round....)

Goodnight and sweet dreams!

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