Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tireless Tuesday

We had a nice Tireless Together Tuesday!  Mommy picked up Oliver at school a little early and we gathered up some energy to go on a little adventure!

Mommy picked up Oliver in the "shuttle" car at school
while out Adventure Subaru was being diagnosed.
Mommy wants our adventurer to be healthy and
strong and live a long life.

She doesn't want it to be like the truck she
saw this morning.  No fun!

Tired Oliver soon became a tireless adventurer!
We had the shuttle lady drop us off at the Farmer's
Market on Grand!

We ate some quesadillas! 

Mommy got hers with squash blossoms!

We visited the Scarlet Macaw, thats what Oliver called it!

This picture warms Mommy's heart.

Talking Parrot, Oliver couldn't get enough of the bird!

Heart warming as Mommy writes this blog.

After the birds, we ate.


Mommy felt like being transported to Oz.

Instead she was transported back the the Grand Garage.

Where everything was laid out for Mommy and
nicely explained to her.  


Brave Adventurer!  

Another Brave Adventurer! 

This is the noise that scared Mommy...
It will all be fixed by the end of the week.
The man said that it will be at its "half-life" and can go
another 125,000 miles!  (Mommy sure hopes thats true!
What do you think?)

The rest of the night:


Mommy just fell asleep for awhile as she was writing.  So much for Tireless Tuesday!  Goodnight!

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