Sunday, August 18, 2013

Last Day of Summer Vacation

Oliver starts First Grade tomorrow!  We had a restful day to prepare him mentally, physically, and materially.  He is a little more apprehensive about going to First Grade than he was about Kindergarten.  Mommy feels its because he knows what to expect now academically and socially, Mommy reminded him that a lot of people feel nervous the first day of school.  Mommy knows he will be great tomorrow and this year!  

Mommy felt like taking pictures today: 
(This helps Mommy feel better about tomorrow.)
We went to Valley Center after our morning
 break at Grammies.

We went to Matilda's Mouse, a barn with antiques,
open once a month for three days!

They have tons of neat, old stuff!

Oliver sat on Mommy's new chairs while Mommy
walked around to get inspired.

He was still there talking to a lady.  He loves telling
stories and talking to people.  He probably gets
that from you know who.


He hung out while Mommy loaded the car.  He got a
neat old cage.

The road home from Valley Center is
really pretty, but it was a hot day!  

Oliver worked on making traps he learned
how to make from Youtube, while Mommy
worked on...

Some New to Us Table Configurations:
The chairs were painted by a lady who was
inspired by the "Once Upon a Time" tv show.
She said one of the princesses had a table with
miss matched chairs.  Mommy found the table in 
a corner and thought they would all go nicely together.

Any way Mommy puts the table, it still is
going to be a table where rich people sit.  

But for now we are leaving it empty here....

the table is going to rest, with our furniture that
is still discombobulated.  Hopefully the carpet people
answer their phones tomorrow morning.

Oliver wanted Mommy to take a picture of his armpit
and his bunny.  He wanted to put her in his cage for 
a bit since he couldn't catch another animal.

We read "First Day Jitters!"  Oliver is going to be 
great tomorrow.

He is nervous though!

But was very intrigued by a history book we read next!

Happy Sunday and Last Day of Summer Vacation for lots of kids!

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