Sunday, May 19, 2013

Silly Song Sunday

We had a really fun full day!  After we took our Y and cartoon breaks we went for a fun swim at the Y together!

Through some parts of our day we had a soundtrack playing in our silly, maybe crazy heads, Mommy put links to the songs we were thinking about:


Mark, Oliver, and Daisy.

Beautiful day!

Oliver swam on his own to the "deepness" today!
First time ever!!!  He just did it automatically
when we first got in the pool!  Mommy thought 
he was so BRAVE!  So Sara's new song 
(She likes to see him and wants to see him be BRAVE!)

Watch him!
(Mommy said "swing" instead of "swim.  She
messes up words when she is tired...)

Peace and happiness.  Mommy is so glad he
is finally swimming confidently.  

Happy Swimmer!

 Driving Towards Home:
A new road where the chicken farm used to be in
Elfin Forest.  We listen to the Pocahontas soundtrack a lot.

So Mommy sang her own song and mixed up the lyrics
of both songs to sing about how tearing up the land made her feel.
The tractors were savages.  Oliver thought it was funny.

We'll get used to it.  

 Escondido Street Fair:
We went to the street fair on Grand for
a little bit!

They had tons of neat stuff for sale.

Catching Mommy's dreams.

Mommy sought out the free and valuable experiences!

Oliver with his new book!

We keep singing this song.
(Especially after we watched Grammie  today planting.
And listening to her explain to us about
  how she was planting all her herbs in a big single pot!)  

Oliver planted basil.  Inch by inch, row by row!
Mommy will bless the seeds he sowed!

Oliver still had his $5 from the bank
 in his Indiana Beach wallet.  Oliver shopped
around for something he liked.

He likes these walking sticks and the man
was going to sell him one for $5, but 
Oliver had originally seen something at the
beginning of the street fair that he wanted.
So he saved his money.  Mommy was proud of him!

We spent a little money here.

And Oliver bought something from the Ty shop!

He bought a tiger named Stripers!  He is keeping
the tag on his Tiger!

Oliver had the neighbors over for a few minutes
while their mom ran an errand!  They really
enjoy playing together.  

Our zucchini!  
Someone warmed our seeds from below!

We did some yoga to kind of calm our bodies
down before bed.

Nothing Doll.

(Mommy wishes she could kind of calm her brain down now.  Oh well.)


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