Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Steady Days

We had a great Tuesday!  Mommy wants to share her new book:

Mommy's new parenting book.  It is a very simple book with a lot
of great ideas for routines or rhythms we can use to help organize our days.
Mommy and Oliver have been working a lot on creating our
night routines.  Here is what we usually do:

After eating dinner and playing, Oliver takes a bath.  That
is his favorite boat and his new shampoo.  Oliver still
screams and cries when Mommy washes his hair.  She
told him that the Shampoo bottle said, "No more tears."
He didn't believe her.  

After bath he gets in his PJs and he has been
playing for a little bit in his room.  He loves
his CARS garage!

If we have time we go outside and play
in our yard.  We like to water our plants
at night.

Then we brush his teeth.  Dora the Explorer is fun!

Then we read a chapter from whatever book
we are reading.  Sometimes if Mommy is too
tired to read or Oliver is too wound up, Oliver likes

Then lately he falls asleep in Mommy's bed, while she writes the
blog and we listen to soft music.  (Mommy likes listening to 
Alison Krauss and this is a good song.) We listened to it
tonight and Oliver fell asleep really fast tonight!  Mommy then puts him
 in his bed, where he happily sleeps for the rest of the night.  If we 
go to Grammie's at night, we still do all of our wonderful routines,
 but Oliver usually falls asleep on the way there!  He has always loved
falling asleep on car rides....

So, Mommy likes finally being able to implement
routines that work in our home.  Oliver and Mommy
have learned a lot.  But, Mommy still likes to 
mix it up sometimes, we like to have fun.  (Mommy doesn't
want to get bored...she needs/craves adventure.)  Oliver
likes adventure too.  Hopefully Mommy can learn something
new in our book to spice things up a bit!

Happy Tuesday!

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