Saturday, May 14, 2011

Our Trees

We had a nice Saturday.  Oliver helped Mommy in the morning at home and then hung out with Grammie for a bit.  We did some errands and then came home to rest and play in our yard.  Oliver was silly all day long!  Mommy knows that he was excited to have her all to himself.  It was nice for Mommy too!  Weekends are so refreshing!

Mommy has been doing a little bit of research on our trees, she still doesn't know what all the trees are- but we will figure it out in time.  Here are some pictures of all the trees at our home.  

Mommy's tree poster in her bedroom, she
uses this to try and identify the trees.
(She kind of loves trees/Smokey the Bear.)

The tree behind Oliver...

has these growing on it.  Not sure what they are...
Cool tree growing among the garden beds.

Grapefruit tree.

Two different lemon trees and a rose "tree."

Mommy needs to figure out how to water
this tree better....

but she thinks it might be a pear tree.

Love this tree!  Does anyone know what it is?
Peach tree

The two trees next to each other are in our grassy area.
Mommy thought they were apple trees, but a gardner thinks
they are plum trees.  

So if they are Mommy will have to start thinking about
plum recipes.  Yum and fun!

So, there are four huge trees in the front yard.
They are great shade trees and keep our home cool
on a hot day.  Mommy has been calling them our "parrot"
trees, but they are actually Pecan trees!  So cool!

They are growing very tall, and scaring Mommy just a bit.
This is a view from the backyard.  You can see the top of our roof
in the bottom of the picture.  Mommy did a little asking around
and found out that the trees have not been trimmed for at
least over ten years.  On Monday they will be trimmed.

Oliver's deck with all the little twigs from the trees.

Our branch pile.  The other day a huge branch snapped
and landed on Oliver's deck.  It was kind of scary.
Mommy met the gopher who has been causing havoc
in our yard.  Silly gopher.

Gopher looking at Mommy.

It is really cute, but it is eating our food and ruining our grass.
(Mommy needs someone to come and do some
gopher patrol...when she isn't looking...)

The gopher disappeared into his hole after watching 
Mommy for about 30 seconds.  Scaredy gopher.
Oliver working on a temporary netting
that covers our carrots, radishes, and beets.
A bunny rabbit likes to eat all of them.

Oliver working.  Mommy is glad that he likes
to work outside with her.

We had a nice together day.


  1. Wow! You have so many different trees, and so many of them fruit trees...nice! I think the one fruit bearing tree is an apricot. Don't know exactly what the evergreen tree is...maybe your tree trimmers will know what exactly it is. Yikes on the gophers! Andy Parker used to catch them (or maybe they were moles), kill them, then leave them strung/staked up in the yard as a warning to the other invading critters...a bit on the sick side! LOL I just had to make some fences/plant cages out of rabbit fencing, so they wouldn't eat my climatis and some other newly emerging pretty plants that are obviously very tasty to rabbits. Good luck with that! What a fun yard you have!

  2. Thanks Denny! I think I would rather have some gnomes, butterfly garden stakes, and wind-chimes hanging around my yard--then poor dead cute gophers! We are having so much fun! (It is nice being able to share it....)
