Sunday, October 25, 2015


Oops.  Mommy forgot to ask what Oliver wanted to be for Halloween!  He has been a warden the last few years and she just figured he would be that again.  WRONG!  Yay, he wants to be a Native American!  He is learning about them in school and really wanted to be one in the play the 2nd grade is practicing.  Mommy promised to get him a good costume if he got that part, but he is a pilgrim instead.  Mommy said he can still have the costume and now he will get a pilgrim one too!  

We made a mad rush to the Spirt of Halloween store but did not find any Native American attire. Grammie and Grandpa helped order him a bunch of stuff on Amazon.  They have Prime, which Oliver is VERY impressed with, he can't wait to get his stuff!  (Thanks for reading all of this, its kind of a big deal for Mommy.)

Halloween Madness:

The rest of the day was spent at home...working on 
some research papers for Mommy and tinkering around
the house for Oliver.

Then Cub Scout popcorn return and our weekly
quick grocery getting.

(Goodnight and sweet dreams.)

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