Monday, June 8, 2015


We had a day full of pick-ups.  Mommy picked up some extra hours of work today over her summer break.  (She needs to be able to pay for that reading Disneyland trip!)  Oliver had to pick something up after school:

Something at the trophy shop!

It wasn't the silly dog!

It was something he designed for Mrs. Belko!
Tomorrow is Oliver's last day at school, it is
supposed to be on Friday.  Unfortunately he is
being taken out early for a camping trip with his Daddy.
Oliver and Mommy made sure to schedule and plan
out this special gift!  We'll show you it tomorrow!

After we went to Grady's home for a Pack 659
Planning Meeting:
It really picked up Oliver's spirits!  He had
fun playing with the kids!

They all played!

While the parents planned out the new scout year.

Mommy picked up another commitment.
She agreed yesterday to be the Pack Popcorn Kernel.
She is going to shadow the current Kernel this year and he
is going to show her the ropes 
so she can do it on her own next year!  

Pick up days are fun!  (Goodnight and sweet dreams.)

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