Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Oliver had a good day at school!  He was VIP again!  He wears the badge with pride!  It is so so cute!
We had a nice evening at home together!

Happy Tuesday!  Almost Halloween!

Mommy's Little VIP.

Showing Mommy his pumpkin!

Oliver says his has a mean face!  He likes it though!
(Mommy loves it.  It is really sweet.)

He set up an animal store in his room!

Mommy bought the raccoon.  She had to give Oliver
her real credit card.  That is all he would accept.
He slides it through the crack in his desk!  Creative!

He was inspired to write a book about carrots
tonight!  He did an awesome job!  
Mommy likes when he writes and draws
on his own!  

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